Frecuentemente Preguntas solicitadas

¡Estamos aquí por tí! Desplácese para ver las respuestas a varias preguntas que recibimos de los participantes del estudio.

I am already several months pregnant. Can I still enroll in the Registry?

Yes, you can enroll in the Registry at any time during your pregnancy. Ideally, the Registry would like to enroll women before they reach the 16th week of their pregnancies, but we welcome you to enroll at any time during your pregnancy.
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I am taking one of the drugs on your list, but I do not have epilepsy. Can I still enroll in the Registry?

Yes, if you are currently pregnant are taking AEDs for any reason you can enroll in the Registry. Please call TOLL FREE 888.233.2334 to enroll today!
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I am a participant in the North American AED (Antiepileptic Drug) Pregnancy Registry, but I’ve recently moved. Can I still participate?

Yes, you can still participate. Please call us at TOLL FREE 888.233.2334 to update your contact information at your earliest convenience.
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How do I update my contact information?

Please call us TOLL FREE 888.233.2334 to update your contact information at your earliest convenience.
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I am pregnant but I am not taking one of the drugs on your list. Can I still enroll in the Registry?

Yes, if you are currently pregnant but not taking AEDs you can enroll in the Registry as a control group participant. A control group can also be called a comparison group. The Registry needs a group of women who are pregnant and are NOT taking anticonvulsant drugs to compare to our group of women who are taking anticonvulsant drugs. This will help us to gather the most accurate data possible for our study. You can find more information about participating in our control group by clicking here. Please call TOLL FREE 888.233.2334 to enroll today!
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I recently had my baby, but I have not yet been contacted by the Registry for my post-partum interview. What should I do?

We like to give new moms a few months to rest and settle in with their new babies before we call you for your post-partum interview. However, if it has been more than 3 months since you gave birth, please call us TOLL FREE 888.233.2334 to check and make sure that we have your correct contact information.
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What can you tell me about breastfeeding while taking AEDs?

You can breast feed while taking AEDs, and you should discuss this with your health care provider. A term infant has been exposed to the AED for 9 months and can metabolize the medication as well as an adult, and there is generally less medication in the breast milk than in the mother’s plasma.
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What do I do if I have a question or a concern about participating in the Registry?

Please call us with questions any time. We are more than happy to talk to you about participating in the Registry. Call us TOLL FREE 888.233.2334.

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I am pregnant and taking an AED. Should I stop taking it? Should I decrease my dose?

This is a complicated question, and the answer really varies from woman to woman. Remember, you should never stop or change your medication without the advice and supervision of your health care provider. The danger of seizures to both the mother and the child is a serious one. Seizures can result in falls or in lack of oxygen for the baby. They can increase the risk of miscarriage or stillbirths. For most women with epilepsy, staying on medication poses less risk to their own health and the health of their babies than discontinuing medication. In most cases, a single medication at the lowest possible dose that provides seizure control is the best option. Please consult with your health care providers about these issues.
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I took AEDs while I was pregnant and now I think my child may have some learning or behavioral issues. Is this common? And what should I do?

Research is currently being conducted to determine whether a child who was exposed to anti-convulsant drugs during pregnancy is more likely to experience learning problems during childhood. You can read about this research in the North American AED (Antiepileptic Drug) Pregnancy Registry Newsletter. The research study that is discussed in the newsletter can be found here.

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Registro norteamericano de embarazos con DEA (medicamento antiepiléptico)

Calle Nashua 125 | Suite 8438
boston Massachusetts 02114

LLAMADA GRATUITA: 1.888.233.2334
FAX: 617.643.0071